Flashing this STM32 "Blue Pill" board took me 5 hours. I finally recieved my microcontrollers. I have at disposal : A brand new WeMos D1 Mini (it's a smallish NodeMCU) An Arduino Pro Mini (it acts just like a Leonardo, but it lacks some interesting pins sadly :( ) An STM32F103C8T6, I'll call this the Blue Pill for short. The Arduino Pro Mini has an Arduino bootloader out-of-the-box, so I could play with it directly. It's nice ! Still, it lacks the double Serial of the original Leonardo, and most importantly, there's no A4 and A5 pins, so libraries for I2C won't work without modification. But the Blue Pill needs more work. Basically, I followed the instructions on this site : http://wiki.stm32duino.com/index.php?title=Installation Since it's quite complicated, consider the following as a tutorial to set up your Blue Pill. I tried different things, the following has worked for me. Before doing anything software-related, while reading the B...
Some electronics stuff I build on my kitchen table.